Carol Schillios, founder of the Fabric of Life Foundation, is camping out in a tent on the roof of her fair trade shop in downtown Edmonds, Wash. until 1 million people each send her $1 and share how they are making the world a better place.
“So many people get overwhelmed by the enormity of issues in the world that they think doing one small thing isn’t going to have that much of an impact,” Schillios said. “But small is significant.”
Schillios hopes to raise funds for her foundation and to bring awareness to poverty issues in local and global communities. She was lifted onto the roof of her Fabric of Life Boutique, located at 523 Main Street in Edmonds, on July 31.
The non-profit Fabric of Life Foundation was founded in 2002 and supports development projects around the world. Shillios’ projects center around improving the lives of women and children through cooperative partnerships that increase access to education, health care and affordable credit.
The $1 million will go toward her foundation’s school in Mali, Africa, which teaches girls a trade to be self-sufficient in 18 months, so they no longer beg on the streets. Another portion of the funds go toward Lynnwood Holly House, a holiday toy program for children.
“Every dollar will go to support programs that help people to help themselves,” Schillios said.
Schillios is uncertain as to how long she’ll need to stay on the roof, but she’s ready to wait it out.
“I can live in a tent,” Schillios said. “I’ll have a porta potty and a sun shower, so it will be like I’m camping. I’m going to live better than 80 percent of the world’s population.”
Go to Schillios’ blog at to monitor her progress and learn more about her campaign.
-- Jaimie Hwang
Read More about her pledge here.