World leaders will come together at the United Nations in September in order to accelerate progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). According to economist and op-Ed columnist, Jeffrey Sachs, "a small amount of global funding, if well directed, could save millions of lives each year." The key step is to expand the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria into a Global Health Fund.
The Global Health Fund was created in 2002 to help the world battle three killer diseases, and its accomplishments have been spectacular.
Sachs asserts that there is an obvious benefit to addressing the global health needs of those in the developing world. It is his belief that doing more to alleviate the diseases that afflict the world's poor can do much in meeting the goals of the United Nation's Millennium Development campaign - it just takes the effort of the United States and other rich countries around the world.
- Tiffanie Depew
SOURCE: Guardian.co.uk