F.L.A.P. stands for Flexible Light And Power.
The joint venture of companies such as Pop!Tech, Portable Light, and Timbuk2 have come together to create a portable power source carrying bag that feeds on solar energy. Immediately we can see the usefulness of this product for developing nations like Africa. To utilize the abundance of sunlight coupled with a useful tool such as a bag to harness energy that can be transported anywhere is remarkable.
The messenger bag has a solar panel on the "flap" of the bag connected to the tech tray consisting of an on/off switch, an LED light, and a USB connection. So, in effect, the bag can be used as a portable light and power source for anyone anywhere--but most useful for people lacking consistent power sources.
The prototypes will be distributed to villages in Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda. Feedback will be recorded and used for improvement. The F.L.A.P. battery will be fully charged within six hours of sunlight exposure and can be done so while traveling on your back. Unique ideas like this that are sustainable and multifaceted are improving the quality of life for everyone involved.
-Nick Mohazzabfar
Source: AfriGadget