On Wednesday June 9th, President Obama announced in a press conference that the US would be giving $483 million to help the 1.5 million people living in poverty along the Gaza strip. As stated in an article in The National, this money has been earmarked for "funding infrastructure projects, improving home ownerships and creating jobs" and "building schools, repairing a hospital, and fixing water distribution and wastewater collection systems." This money will aid in rebuilding Gaza and its economy, as Israel's 3 year long blockade has effectively cut off Gaza from the rest of the world. President Obama also reaffirmed the US's support to finding an Israel-Palestine peace agreement during the press conference. The President stressed the need for Israel to focus its blockade more towards only preventing weapons from entering Gaza, while allowing imports, exports, and humanitarian efforts to help the people in need. In the past, the US has been criticized for its one sided support of Israel during the ongoing conflict. However, President Obama pushed that aside in his humanitarian effort to improve the plight of the Palestinians.
-Matthew Thwaites
SOURCES: The National Newspaper Article on the US aid, France 24 Article on the $483 million Palestine Aid Package