A global decline in new HIV infections is lead by Sub-Saharan Africa, according to UNAids. This is due to greater awareness and better use of preventative measures. UNAids Executive Director, Michel Sidibe said, "for the first time change is happening at the heart of the epidemic. In places where HIV was stealing away dreams, we now have hope." Due to increases in worldwide treatment, 200,000 fewer people died from the virus in 2008 than in 2004. UNAids said "young people are leading the prevention revolution by choosing to have sex later, having fewer multiple partners and using condoms, resulting in significantly fewer new HIV infections in many countries highly affected by AIDS." Additionally, the report also said that the complete elimination of mother-to-child transmission is possible by 2015.
These statistics mark significant progress in the implementation of MDG #6, to halt and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015.
SOURCE: UNAids Report
-Erica Stetz