The malaria net is one of the most popular and well-known inventions that have contributed to saving hundreds of lives. Providing these nets are not the only thing that helps to eliminate malaria. Education, reliable transportation, and pregnancy prevention also help a great deal.
1.Education and counseling for men, women and children about malaria, prevention techniques, causes, and outcomes have positively impacted the areas malaria targets making significant strides in decreasing malaria count.
2.Because pregnant women are generally more susceptible than other adults to malarial infection, prevention methods during pregnancy are also of immense importance so maternal anemia and impaired fetal growth may be avoided. A few low-cost interventions (recommended by WHO) are the use of insecticide-treated bed nets, participating in program activities, and effective case management of malaria during pregnancy.
3.Reliable transportation is necessary to reach those individuals in the most isolated areas to provide regular and predictable health care.
According to the new report from Roll Back Malaria, "An estimated 908 000 malaria deaths have been averted through ITN (insecticide-treated nets) coverage between 2000–2010, with three quarters of the deaths averted since 2006."
The things that are needed to achieve MDGs are not ouf of reach nor impractical!
-Shereen Alibhai