On Thursday, President Barack Obama addressed world leaders at the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Conference in New York. He expressed renewed U.S. commitment toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals and called for "mutual responsibility" between people and nations throughout the world.
Obama challenged the widespread idea that international development is not the responsibility of the United States or in its best interest, saying, "In our global economy, progress in even the poorest countries can advance the prosperity and security of people far beyond their borders, including my fellow Americans."
He announced a new U.S. Global Development Policy, one that redefines even the idea of development. He elaborated on several specific goals of this new approach to international aid, including:
- sustainable development that fixes systemic problems, not just surface issues;
- independence in developing nations so that their progress can come from within;
- support for democratic, transparent governments worldwide;
- and reduction of trade barriers that limit developing nations' access to world markets.
-Elizabeth Newton
SOURCE: The Washington Post