Sunday Bill and Melinda Gates were featured on 60 Minutes in a montage of interviews and videos in which they discussed their plans for charitable investments domestically and around the world through their foundation.
The plan is to give away $60 billion. Part of this money will go towards funding The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s global priorities which are HIV/AIDS, malaria, and mother and child deaths. While those are the priorities, the Foundation is also working to eradicate polio where it still exists.
With the opening of The Global Fund’s replenishment meeting today, it is a good time to ask yourself how you would give away that much money. Once you have answered that question, take action. Call your congressional leaders in favor of foreign assistance laws. Call the White House in favor of a higher Global Fund pledge. Most of us are not billionaire philanthropists; however, collectively, we still have the power to create change. As for Melinda Gates, she is less worried about the amount of money they invest than with the result that is going to come from that investment.
-Kelli Hanson