Today delegates have gathered in Rome to discuss issues of land tenure and food security. The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is an international body of delegates which is attempting to be the most relevant and inclusive platform for the world to address food security and nutrition. This current meeting is the first of an expanded body of delegates including NGOs, civil society organizations, U.N. delegates, and private and philanthropic sector organizations.
While there is no imminent world food crisis, food prices have risen and there are several other dangers to address. This meeting will show whether or not the reformed CFS can be a platform for shaping an international consensus on issues including the volatility of food commodities, land grabbing, food security, as well as general agricultural issues.
U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon stated that while he is optimistic about the new, inclusive partnerships, he believes that a more formal global governance system of these issues is necessary. If this reformed CFS can be the international platform it is intended to be, it could, with the help of other U.N. agencies, do a great deal in advancing food security and nutrition for the world.
-Kelli Hanson