Saturday, March 07, 2009

Dear Mr. President:

The U.S. Global Leadership Campaign (USGLC) recently sent a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to shift America's focus from military spending to diplomatic programs as the main approach to addressing foreign policy and national security issues.
"In times of humanitarian crisis, our military power can provide the logistics and organization to get help fast to those in need, but the military cannot build sustainable societies. Investments in our civilian international affairs programs are critical to bolstering our national security by addressing transnational threats such as terrorism, infectious diseases and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and stabilizing weak and fragile states. The military can only help create the conditions necessary for our diplomatic, development and humanitarian programs to effectively address these issues."
The letter emphasizes the effectiveness of using non-military tools, calling for an increase to the currently underfunded foreign affairs budget which represents 1.2 percent of all federal spending.
Source: USGLC