Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MDG Progress Report: Mostly A's and B's

According to the 2009 United Nations Millennium Development Goal Progress Report, the developing world is making vast improvements in ensuring its environmental sustainability. Such efforts are in accordance with MDG #7 that seek to promote sustainability for current as well as future generations by halving the proportion of population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.

The progress report states that most countries in the developing world are on target to meet the MDG target by the year 2015 - many countries are actually ahead of schedule. Despite these significant improvements, there are still a number of countries that are facing an uphill battle. Many countries still rely on unimproved water sources for their drinking, cooking, and bathing and other domestic activities.

To learn more, check out the
2009 United Nations Millennium Development Goal Progress Report.

- Tiffanie Depew

SOUCE: United Nations MDG #7